The ultimate learning platform fo Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance (ESG)!

-A Community Education Project By LTT Global-

Welcome to ETHOS, your gateway to a world of knowledge and insights into Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance (ESG). The name ETHOS, derived from the Greek word representing guiding beliefs and values, reflects our commitment to providing a platform rooted in strong principles. At ETHOS, we believe that knowledge is power, and it's our mission to empower you.

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Environmental (E):
In ESG, "E" signifies Environmental factors, addressing a company's impact on the planet. This involves sustainable practices, carbon footprint reduction, and efforts to combat climate change, promoting both ecological responsibility and alignment with global sustainability goals.

Social (S):
The "S" in ESG stands for Social considerations, emphasizing a company's interactions with employees, communities, and society. This involves fair labor practices, diversity, community engagement, and actions that contribute to societal well-being, fostering positive corporate culture and enhancing long-term success.

Corporate Governance (G):
Corporate Governance, denoted by the "G" in ESG, focuses on systems governing a company's direction and control. It includes board composition, transparency, and accountability. Strong corporate governance ensures ethical decision-making, minimizes risks, and builds stakeholder trust, forming the basis for organizational integrity and long-term value creation.

Above are the reasons why we need ETHOS: to equip individuals and organizations with comprehensive insights into Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG), fostering a deep understanding of sustainable practices, ethical considerations, and the principles that guide responsible business conduct. By subscribing to ETHOS, you embark on a journey where information is not just a resource but a shield for informed decision-making. Gain exclusive access to a wealth of content designed to keep you and your organization well-informed and protected in the dynamic landscape of ESG. Explore the diverse facets of sustainability, corporate responsibility, and ethical practices, shaping your understanding and contributing to a better future. Thank you for choosing ETHOS – where knowledge transforms into a powerful force for positive change.

Interested to collaborate or need more information please contact:

Assoc. Prof. Dr Wan Edura Binti Wan Rashid
Institute of Business Excellence

Selamat datang ke ETHOS, pintu masuk anda ke dunia pengetahuan dan cerapan tentang Alam Sekitar, Sosial & Tadbir Urus Korporat (ESG). Nama ETHOS, berasal dari perkataan Greek yang melambangkan kepercayaan dan nilai-nilai panduan, mencerminkan komitmen kami untuk menyediakan platform berpandukan prinsip yang kukuh. Di ETHOS, kami percaya bahawa pengetahuan adalah kuasa, dan misi kami untuk memperkasakan anda.

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Alam Sekitar (E):
Dalam ESG, "E" melambangkan faktor-faktor Alam Sekitar, menangani impak syarikat terhadap planet. Ini melibatkan amalan mampan, pengurangan jejak karbon, dan usaha untuk menangani perubahan iklim, mempromosikan tanggungjawab ekologi dan perpaduan dengan matlamat kelestarian global.

Sosial (S):
"S" dalam ESG mewakili pertimbangan Sosial, menekankan interaksi syarikat dengan pekerja, komuniti, dan masyarakat. Ini melibatkan amalan buruh yang adil, kepelbagaian, penglibatan komuniti, dan tindakan yang menyumbang kepada kesejahteraan masyarakat, memupuk budaya korporat positif dan meningkatkan kejayaan jangka panjang.

Tadbir Urus Korporat (G):
Tadbir Urus Korporat, dilambangkan dengan "G" dalam ESG, memfokuskan pada sistem yang mengawal hala tuju dan kawalan syarikat. Ia termasuk komposisi lembaga, ketelusan dan akauntabiliti. Tadbir urus korporat yang kukuh memastikan pembuatan keputusan yang beretika, meminimumkan risiko, dan membina kepercayaan pihak berkepentingan, membentuk asas bagi integriti organisasi dan penciptaan nilai jangka panjang.

Di atas adalah sebab-sebab mengapa kita memerlukan ETHOS: untuk melengkapi individu dan organisasi dengan wawasan menyeluruh mengenai Alam Sekitar, Sosial, dan Tatakelola Korporat (ESG), memupuk pemahaman mendalam mengenai amalan mampan, pertimbangan etika, dan prinsip yang memandu kelakuan perniagaan yang bertanggungjawab.

Dengan melanggan ETHOS, anda memulakan perjalanan di mana maklumat bukan sekadar sumber tetapi perisai untuk membuat keputusan termaklum. Dapatkan akses eksklusif kepada pelbagai kandungan yang direka untuk memastikan anda dan organisasi anda mendapat maklumat dan dilindungi dengan baik dalam landskap dinamik ESG. Terokai pelbagai aspek kemampanan, tanggungjawab korporat dan amalan etika, membentuk pemahaman anda dan menyumbang kepada masa depan yang lebih baik. Terima kasih kerana memilih ETHOS - di mana pengetahuan berubah menjadi kuasa yang kuat untuk perubahan positif.

Jika berminat untuk melanggan atau memerlukan maklumat lanjut, sila hubungi:

Assoc. Prof. Dr Wan Edura Binti Wan Rashid
Institute of Business Excellence

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The ETHOS learning platform offers valuable resources, including online courses, videos, e-books, and more, designed to help individuals and companies understand the details of ESG in an engaging manner.


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Our Learning Portal is in-line with

Recognition from The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and The ASEAN Business Advisory Council for being a responsible and inclusive business in ASEAN. The Platform is in line with the OECD's Future of Work Initiative.

United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal #4, promoting quality learning content, inclusive learning opportunities and to encourage lifelong learning.

The Council of the European Union's adopted recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning to be future-proof and become global citizens.

Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) Blueprint 2018-2025 which encourages people to up-skill, re-skill or multi-skill. Which also entitles* your organisation to HRDF refunds for taking up the use of our products.

Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025, to adequately prepare young Malaysians the opportunity to improve their lives and become successful for the challenges of the 21st century.


























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